eEnabled Solutions for Memory Cards and USB Sticks
Secure, streamlined alternative to physical media distribution for data loading

- Secure
- Reliable
- Operational flexibility
- Streamline data load processes
- Reduce total costs of data loading and data acquisition
MBS provides solutions to overcome issues related to physical media usage through innovative memory card emulator products and a Card Read/Writer, all of which interface the mini PDL- Pad to LRUs.
LRUs, which are normally loaded with physical media (PCMCIA, CF, USB) can interface with the mini PDL-Pad and provide a fully controlled data path between the web-based Software Management System (FLS-Desk) and the LRU to be data loaded.
LRU data, stored on the FLS-Desk, can be automatically transferred via Ethernet, Cellular, or Wi-Fi worldwide, to the mini PDL-Pad and stored in its internal repository, from where it can be loaded into LRUs under software control. After loading, the information is transferred back to the FLS-Desk where the load status of each aircraft is maintained.
For memory cards needing to remain on the aircraft during flight, stored data can be downloaded with the Card Read/Writer and automatically sent to the FLS-Desk. The card will be formatted and can be replaced into the aircraft. When an update is required, the content can be selected using the mini PDL-Pad, changes made to the card and the card retained in the aircraft.
This proven approach provides a complete end to end system to manage the acquisition, distribution, loading and monitoring of databases and FLS and eliminate, or significantly reduce, unreliable physical media from the data loading process.
MBS Emulator
– 64MB PCMCIA Linear Memory Emulation
– 2GB PCMCIA ATA and Compact Flash Emulation
– 16GB USB Emulation
– Verification of emulator contents prior to connecting to LRU
– Type II PCMCIA Interface (Linear Memory/ATA Emulator)
– CF Spec 4.1 Compliant Interface (CF Emulator)
– USB 2.0 Compliant Interface (USB Emulator)
– Ability to load terrain databases to LRUs such as EGPWS MKV, MKV-A, T2CAS and T3CAS
–Ideal backup system for eEnabled aircraft (USB Emulator)
– Increased security and control
– Reduced media processing and administration efforts
– Flexibility through instant availability of media worldwide via synchronization of the mini PDL-Pad
– Streamlining data loading processes
– Remote monitoring of aircraft updates and configuration, previously not possible with physical media data loading
– All physical media and field loadable software distribution monitoring in one system
– Eliminates reliance on legacy memory cards
– Emulator contents are verified at load time to avoid potential mistakes
– Single Emulator to Support PCMCIA ATA and Compact Flash
– The USB Emulator is a standard feature of the mini PDL-Pad
MBS CF/PCMCIA ATA Card Read/Writer
– Type II PCMCIA Interface
– CF Spec 4.1 Compliant Interface via provided adapter
– Verification of card contents
– Download data from PCMCIA ATA and CF remaining on the aircraft e.g. WQAR
– Update of PCMCIA ATA and CF cards remaining on the aircraft e.g. IPRAM
– Increased security and control
– Removal of back office task of duplicating multiple memory card copies
– Reduce administration required to securely transport memory cards
– Electronic distribution of relevant data, removing slow physical media distribution
– Mitigation of issues caused by corrupted memory cards
– Ability to monitor and administer data updates through the FLS-Desk
– Immediate worldwide access to the collected data, via the FLS-Desk
– Access to WQAR data in case of loss of aircraft wireless connectivity
Memory Card Emulator Family Ordering Information
Part Number |
Description |
PCMCIA Linear Memory Emulator |
PCMCIA ATA/Compact Flash Emulator |
Card Read/Writer for PCMCIA ATA/Compact Flash |
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